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Åbne Scene

Performing and launching the book QUANTUM SOCIETY

DATO: 7. september
TID: kl. 19-21
LOKALE: Åbne Scene
ENTRÉ: Gratis

Danish below

QUANTUM TRAVELLERS’ is the name of the performative activation, assemble and strategy for dissemination of Sara Gebran’s new ‘choreographic-publication’ QUANTUM SOCIETY, inviting 4 artists based in Århus, to read, discuss and remediate any aspect of this publication into performances.During 3 days the artists Malue Vedel, Ofer Ravid, Beatriz Gonzalez Rodriguez, Christine Fentz and Sara Gebran, will meet and perform their translations from this publication to the stage. Their works and the introduction to the publication is presented to the public at Åbne Scene, Godsbanen the 7th september at 19 o’clock.


Quantum Society is a performative publication aiming to immerse readers in a world of social intimacy. As in her previous book Another Hole, author and choreographer Sara Gebran adopts a speculative-writing style so as to avoid categorization. A writing that appropriates everything that goes on in front of her, from films, news, daily pandemic or post pandemic stressed jokes, philosophy, books on art or by artists, etc. Sara uses the page as a stage for choreographic and dancing practices, and as a public space where readers meet to experience shared imaginaries. The instructions of emotions by colors, emotions by spacing, and how to sing this book on the first pages gives the reader agency to put together their own matrix of feelings and imaginaries. The uncanny intimacy she develops is a tool and a concept she calls Social Intimacy, a part of her investigation on how to achieve, together, a more open, inclusive and solidary society, a QUANTUM SOCIETY, which she unfolds slowly throughout the book.

 ABOUT SARA GEBRAN: choreographer, dancer, professor in choreography, writer and urban planner. Based in Copenhagen. Her works are situated within performance art, exploring media such as video, photography, sound, and text, mediated by the dancing body. Her publications propose self-instituting one’s own knowledge independently from the validation of an institution, in the belief that citizens need to search for other systems of civil support, especially in our time when institutions and the state are unable to respond to the need of its people. Her writings are speculative, destabilizing categories, and like all her artistic works, they investigate how power works.


Åbne Scene, Godsbanen

September 7th at 19.00-21.00 INCLUDING time for drinks, mingling and option to buy the book. Free entrance.

Registration necessary – please send an email to trine@godsbanen.dk

The presentation will be in English.



QUANTUM TRAVELLERS’S er en performativ aktivering og strategi for formidling af Sara Gebrans nye ‘koreografiske-udgivelse’ QUANTUM SOCIETY. I løbet af tre dage vil de Århus-baserede kunstnere Malue Vedel, Ofer Ravid, Beatriz Gonzalez Rodriguez, Christine Fentz mødes med Sara Gebran, og diskutere og transformere deres oversættelser af denne udgivelse til scenen.


En performativ publikation, der har til formål at omslutte læserne i en verden af social intimitet. Som i sin tidligere bog ’Another Hole’, anvender forfatteren og koreografen Sara Gebran en spekulativ skrivestil for at undgå kategorisering. Et forfatterskab, der tilegner sig alt, hvad der foregår foran hende, lige fra film, nyheder, daglige pandemiske eller post-pandemiske stressede vittigheder, filosofi, bøger om kunst eller af kunstnere osv.

Sara Gebran anvender bogens sider som et offentligt rum, hvor læseren gennem koreografiske instruktioner, farvekoder, musik m.m. mødes for at opleve fælles fantasier.

I foråret 2022 besøgte QUANTUM TRAVELLERS Stockholm, København og Caracas, og senere på året vil projektet møde Berlin og Oslo.

Deres værker og introduktionen til publikationen præsenteres for offentligheden på Åbne Scene d. 7.september kl 19.00.


Præsentationen vil foregå på engelsk.

Gratis éntre.

Tilmelding nødvendig – send en mail til trine@godsbanen.dk

Varighed ca. 2 timer, inkl. mingling, drinks og mulighed for at købe bogen QUANTUM SOCIETY.


CO-PRODUCED: Åbne Scene & Performance Art Platform. SUPPORT: Århus kommunePRODUCED: www.saragebran.comPUBLISHERS: Errant Bodies Press & MaMa – Multimedia Institute

QUANTUM SOCIETY’s future presentations are:  Berlin: 21.september at Hopscotch Reading Room.Oslo: 29.November at Mette Edvardsen Bookshop.It already visited Stockholm, Copenhagen and Caracas in the spring 2022.