Åbne Scene
Work-In-Process: HOPP
Artist in residence: Sara Grotenfelt + Selma Reynisdòttir
Residency-periode: 9. – 19. januar
VIDENSDELING: Visning af kunstnerisk materiale + artist talk/feedback session
(English below)
Iscenesat sjipning – udmattelse, begejstring og kedsomhed
HOPP er en undersøgelse af rytme, gentagelse og de konkrete og associative potentialer i at sjippe. Gennem koreografiske redskaber, udviklet under processen, vil projektet skabe scener der manifesterer udmattelse, begejstring og kedsomhed. HOPP tager sjipning ud af dets vante kontekst med nysgerrigheden på, hvordan et scenerum vil transformere materialet til at blive modulérbare koreografier og scenarier, som lader helt nye sammenhænge opstå. I krydsfeltet mellem offentlige rum og scenen ønsker projektet at undersøge, hvordan man finder håb med et sjippetov.
“The jumping and hopping allowed us to flee reality and filled us with careful hope, as we found ourselves bored and anxious, waiting for the future to happen while wishing to skip the present…”
Performance/choreography: Sara Grotenfelt (FI) & Selma Reynisdóttir (IS)
Skipping rope and hope. The choreographic project HOPP investigates rhythms, repetition, and the concrete and associative potentials of skipping. With choreographic tools developed in the process, the project aims to create scenes that manifest states of exhaustion, excitement, and boredom.
OBS: The work-in-process performance is free, but you need to book a ticket to safe a seat.
Get your ticket here.