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Jonas Handskemager: LAYERS

DATO: 7. februar - 7. marts 2025
TID: Thursday - Saturday 12-14 or by appointment
LOKALE: Cantina
NÆRMESTE INDGANG: Karen Wegeners Gade 2
ENTRÉ: Gratis


Jonas Handskemager

Opening Friday 07.02.25, 16-19

CANTINA @cantinacantina

Entrance from Godsbanen’s courtyard garden (Karen Wegeners Gade 2)

Exhibition period: 07.02.25 – 07.03.25

Thursday – Saturday 12-14 or by appointment

“….we enter the Flower Kiosk, like the northern light, through one of the two high square windows – an elegant, flush-fitting, interface between inside and outside – a surface on which the characteristic silver foil ceiling cladding  (inside) and reflections of the surrounding winter branches (outside) coalesce, skin-like. The camera’s restless eye, pulls us inside, floating amongst the light fittings. Nothing functional is hidden.” – excerpt from the exhibition text by Simon Starling

The exhibition is supported by Kulturudviklingspuljen Aarhus Kommune–
