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Åbne Scene

Echoes / Det Frie Felts Festival

DATO: Fredag og lørdag d. 27+28. januar
TID: Begge dage kl. 17-19
LOKALE: Kedlen
NÆRMESTE INDGANG: 3A eller 3D (Spiselauget)
ENTRÉ: 80-100 DKK
echoes / Ar Utke Ács / Det Frie Felts Festival
27.01.2023, kl. 17:00 – 19:00
28.01.2023, kl. 17:00 – 19:00
Godsbanen, Kedlen
Der er 15-minutters artist talk på scenen umiddelbart efter forestillingen den 27. 01. 2023.
“echoes”af Ar Utke Ács og det kunstneriske hold er en koreografisk totalinstallation, der både er scenografi for danserne og en selvstændig audiovisuel installation. Deltagerne inviteres til en sansemættet og farverig oplevelse, hvor lyd, lys og de performative elementer spiller sammen. Publikum kan frit følge danserne, der optræder i hele installationen. Danserne udforsker følelser og stemninger i tidsbaserede tableauer. Værket spørger: Hvordan agerer følelser i koreografi, og hvordan koreograferes vi af følelser? − deraf titlen echoes. Ar Utke Ács arbejder med kollektive processer, hvor vante hierarkier udfordres. Kunstneren omfavner diversitet i formater samt i spørgsmålet om repræsentation og tilgængelighed på scenen.
Forestillingen afvikles uden pause, men det er muligt at forlade salen i løbet af visningen ved behov for toiletbesøg mv.
Forestillingen er lavet i et residency på Höjden studios, Milvus Artistic Research Center, MDT og Dansehallerne.Den havde premiere på MDT i Stockholm, Sverige og har senest været vist i regi af Dansehallerne i januar 2022.
Koncept og koreografi: Ar Utke Ács
Komponist: Soho Rezanejad
Scenografi, kostumedesign og installation: Tove Dreiman
Dansere: Am Ertl, Escarleth Pozo, Louisa Yaa Aisin og Suvi Kemppainen
Lysdesign: Christoffer Lloyd
Skulpturelle sko: Puer Parasitus (Sofie Winther Foged)
Kostume- og scenografiassistent: Karin Tokunaga
Kunstnerisk rådgivning ift. proces og udvikling: Louisa Yaa Aisin
Kunstnerisk proces i dialog med: Karina Sarkissova, Rachel Tess, Florence Augendre og Anna Grip
Music mastering: Per Buhl Ács
Pressefotos: V. Vidø i samarbejde med Tove Dreiman
Dokumentationsfoto: Märta Thisner
Ar Utke Ács har en BA i dance performance fra DOCH, Stockholm University of The Arts, Sverige.
Tove Dreiman har en MA i storytelling/visuel kommunikation, Konstfack, Sverige og en BA i grafisk design og visuel kommunikation, Beckmans College of Design, Sverige.
Soho Rezanejad har en BA i elektronisk komposition, Rytmisk Musikkonservatorium.
Am Ertl har en BA i Dance Performance, DOCH, Stockholm University of The Arts, Sverige.
Escarleth Pozo har en MA i Dance Performance, London Contemporary Dance School, England.
Louisa Yaa Aisin har en mangeårig karriere inden for performance og er uddannet Body SDS-terapeut.
Suvi Kemppainen har en BA i Contemporary Dance, Choreography and Context, HZT Berlin, Tyskland.
Støttet af:
Statens Kunstfond, Swedish Arts Council, Nordic Culture Fund, Nordic Culture Point og Bikubenfonden.
Sprog: Nonverbal
Varighed: 120 min.
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echoes / Ar Utke Ács / Det Frie Felts Festival
27.01.2023, kl. 17:00 – 19:00
28.01.2023, kl. 17:00 – 19:00
Godsbanen, Kedlen
There will be a 15-minute artist talk onstage after the performance on January 27th.
echoes” by Ar Utke Ács and the artistic team is a choreographic total installation that is both a set design for the dancers and an independent audio-visual installation. Participants are invited to take part in a sensory and colourful experience in which sound, light and the performative elements interact. The audience is free to follow the dancers as they perform throughout in the installation. Dancers explore emotions and moods in time-based tableaux. The work asks: How do emotions act in choreography, and how are we ourselves choreographed by emotions? – hence the title ‘echoes’. Ar Utke Ács works with collective processes, in which familiar hierarchies are challenged. The artist embraces diversity in formats as well as in the question of representation and accessibility on stage.
The performance takes place without a break, but it is possible to leave the hall during the show if you need to go to the toilet etc.
The performance was created during a residency at Höjden Studios, Milvus Artistic Research Center, MDT and Dansehallerne.
It premiered at MDT in Stockholm, Sweden and has previously been presented at Dansehallerne in January 2022.
Concept and choreography: Ar Utke Ács
Composer: Soho Rezanejad
Scenography, costume design and installation: Tove Dreiman
Dancers: Am Ertl, Escarleth Pozo, Louisa Yaa Aisin and Suvi Kemppainen
Lighting design: Christoffer Lloy
Sculptural shoes: Puer Parasitus (Sofie Winther Foged)
Costumes and set design assistant: Karin Tokunaga
Artistic advice on process and development: Louisa Yaa Aisin
Artistic process in dialogue with: Karina Sarkissova, Rachel Tess, Florence Augendre and Anna Grip
Music mastering: Per Buhl Acs
Pressphotos: V. Vidø in collaboration with Tove Dreiman
Documentation photos: Märta Thisner
Ar Utke Ács holds a BA in Dance Performance from DOCH, Stockholm University of the Arts, Sweden.
Tove Dreiman holds an MA in Storytelling/Visual Communication from Konstfack University of Arts, Crafts and Design, Sweden, and a BA in Graphic Design and Visual Communication from Beckmans College of Design, Sweden.
Soho Rezanejad holds a BA in Electronic Composition from the Rhythmic Music Conservatory.
Am Erti holds a BA in Dance Performance from DOCH, Stockholm University of the Arts, Sweden.
Escarleth Pozo holds an MA in Dance Performance from the London Contemporary Dance School, UK.
Louisa Yaa Aisin has a long career in performance and is a trained Body SDS therapist.
Suvi Kemppainen holds a BA in Contemporary Dance, Choreography and Context from HZT Berlin, Germany.
Supported by The Danish Arts Foundation, the Swedish Arts Council, the Nordic Culture Fund, Nordic Culture Point and the Bikuben Foundation.
Sprog: Nonverbal
Varighed: 120 min.
For more information klick here.